Cloud Storage @Microsoft (with the Cosmos Team) is hiring!

We are hiring! here is what the job description says – contact me to hear more!

We are looking to hire talented, hard driving SDE II, Senior and Principal Software Engineers to work on Cosmos, the cloud storage and analytics engine that powers all of the Online Services Division and several Microsoft businesses. The Cosmos team is the leading edge of big data in the world today. Cosmos is a distributed storage and computation platform that runs across hundreds of thousands of servers inside Bing datacenters. Every day, over 100 petabytes of data is read and written within Cosmos, powering tens of thousands of terabyte-to-petabyte scale computations. Cosmos contains multiple up-to-date copies of the entire world-wide-web, randomly accessible in milliseconds. The underlying service needs to be unimaginably fast, and it needs to be rock-solid reliable.

We are ready to hire systems developers who push the boundaries of parallel storage and computation. Cosmos is one of the biggest distributed systems acknowledged to exist in the world, comprising nearly half a million disks, millions of cores, and petabytes of DRAM.

Award: Outstanding ALM Thesis (Software Engineering)

Award: Dean’s Prize for Outstanding ALM Thesis (Software Engineering)

During my Commencement (=graduation) ceremony @Harvard for my ALM degree, I was awarded the “Outstanding ALM Thesis Award” in the Software Engineering category for my thesis : Distributed Available Reliable Enterprise File System. 

I got a snazzy metallic medal and an even snazzier check 🙂

Making Smart Developers Great

So, you are a smart software developer. Lead. Architect. Being smart isn’t all there’s to it – how do you become great – in both contribution and compensation?

1/ Nail the basics: Can’t stress this too much. If you write code, your code should be.. awesome. Clean. Unit tested. Well designed. And yes, your boss does look. So do your peers.

2/ Own the room. You should be able to lead a meeting, especially if the other developers in the meetings are somewhat more junior. And whether you are a manager or not, you should -want- to lead, at least as far as design goes.

3/ Be a force multiplier. Your co-workers should be better-performing because you are there.

4/ Be Rosh Gadol

Legacy Code Defined

“Legacy code” is a term often used derogatorily to characterize code that is written in a language or style that (1) the speaker/writer consider outdated and/or (2) is competing with something sold/promoted by the speaker/writer. “Legacy code” often differs from its suggested alternative by actually working and scaling.

— Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of the C++ Programming Language